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CB Split Admin - Clickbank > Accounts

Our CBsplit CMS mainly focus on clickbank split test. ClickBank account is used to access ClickBank's digital marketplace, where users can sell or promote digital products like eBooks, software, and online courses. The platform acts as both a marketplace for vendors and an affiliate network, allowing affiliates to earn commissions by promoting products.

Types of ClickBank Accounts:

  1. Vendor Account: For individuals or businesses selling their digital products. Vendors list products, set pricing, and define affiliate commissions.
  2. Affiliate Account: For individuals who promote vendors' products in exchange for a commission on sales they *drive through their marketing efforts.

Add your clickbank account to CBSplit CMS

  • Login to your clickbank Admin account
  • Navigate to Vendor Settings and Find Advance Tools
  • Enable Developer Key, Clerk Key & Secret Key
  • Get all values.

Now, within your CBsplit admin navigate to Clickbank > Accounts and click + icon at top right of the screen.

Paste all information you got from cbsplit Advanced Tool section. After entering all information successfully your clickbank account is connected to cbsplit cms.

Now you can configure Credit Card, Paypal & Platform Fees as well as product fetch settings.

clickbankaccounts.txt ยท Last modified: 2024/10/11 02:43 by stephan