====== How can I record email conversion to split test ? ====== ===== Get Email from QueryString ===== Suppose you have url like this : **http://www.example.com/?email=abc@example.com** function getQueryStrings() { var assoc = {}; var decode = function (s) { return decodeURIComponent(s.replace(/\+/g, " ")); }; var queryString = location.search.substring(1); var keyValues = queryString.split('&'); for(var i in keyValues) { var key = keyValues[i].split('='); if (key.length > 1) { assoc[decode(key[0])] = decode(key[1]); } } return assoc; } var param= getQueryStrings(); var _email = param["email"]; Now, You can grab email from either queryString and send data to cbsplit CallBack **recordEmailConversion()** JavaScript Function Call is promised based: recordEmailConversion(_email).then(function() { // continue to your next task }); ===== Incase you are using HTML
, you could do the follow, ===== **[1] Add onSubmit Event to the Form**
**[2] Code for the CallBack "recordEmailConversion"**