====== CB Split Admin - Addons > Maropost > Accounts ===== ===== Maropost Email Marketing Service ===== [[https://www.maropost.com/|Maropost]] is a cloud-based email marketing platform designed to help businesses of all sizes enhance their marketing strategies. It offers a comprehensive suite of tools to create, automate, and manage email campaigns efficiently. Maropost’s platform is known for its user-friendly interface, making it easy for marketers to set up personalized email campaigns, segment audiences, and track real-time performance metrics. To use maropost with cbsplit cms create an account at [[https://id.maropost.com/#/login|maropost marketing cloud]]. Go to Settings and generate Auth Token {{ :maropost-jwt.png?nolink&600 |}} Go to Accounts section on maropost in cbsplit cms and click + button at top right. {{ :new-maropost-dialog.png?nolink&600 |}} Once you enter, AccountId and Auth Token. Its ready to go. ;#; {{::maropost-accounts.png?direct&800|}} ;#; The first task you would be doing is **Import Lists**. Once Lists are imported, You will see that button will be replaced by **Refresh Lists** Click the **xxx lists** link (where xxx is number) and list detail page will be loaded. {{ :maropost-detail-page.png?nolink&600 |}} Continue to [[adminaddonsmaropostcontactlists|CB Split Admin - Addons > Maropost > Contact Lists]]